[afnog2017-nme] RANCID IS TIMING OUT

Hervey Allen hervey at nsrc.org
Sat Aug 12 23:03:23 PDT 2017

On 7/4/17 2:38 AM, Sady Ntezirizaza wrote:
> Hello guys,
> i was trying to install rancid on my VM for backup my routers configs
> and all went good during installation, but when i tried to login into my
> router with clogin it shows me the below error:
>  rancid at rancid:/home/bsc$ /var/lib/rancid/bin/clogin X.X.X.X
> X.X.X.X
> spawn ssh -c 3des-cbc -x -l Sady X.X.X.X
> Error: TIMEOUT reached
> i will appreciate for any support

Hello Sady - I've just spotted this email from a while back. If you are
still working on this you can get a detailed view of what is happening
when you attempt to connect to the device by doing:

ssh -v user@<IP_ADDRESS>

This will give you "verbose" output of the device you wish RANCID to
connect with.

If this does not give enough information you can increase the verbosity
by doing:

ssh -vvv user@<IP_ADDRESS>

This will likely give you some idea of why the ssh connection is failing
to the device.

If you still need help debugging the connection you can, also, turn on
logging on your device and watch the console while attempting to connect
via ssh and that may give you additional information about what is failing.

If you give us detailed about what type of router (Cisco?) we can
provide IOS commands for logging, etc...

	- Hervey

> Thanks,
> Regards,
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Hervey Allen      Assistant Director, Network Startup Resource Center
hervey at nsrc.org   http://nsrc.org/ : http://facebook.com/nsrc.org
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