[REN-BGP-stats-all] IPv6 R&E Routing Table Report - CERNET (R&E) view

REN Routing Table Report cscora at frr.nsrc.org
Mon Jul 4 20:11:18 UTC 2022

IPv6 R&E Routing Table Report   20:10 GMT Mon 04 Jul, 2022

  IPv6 BGP Table (R&E) as seen at CERNET.

Report Website:     https://bgp.nsrc.org/REN
Detailed Analysis:  https://bgp.nsrc.org/REN/CERNET/

Analysis Summary

BGP routing table entries examined:                                1576
    Number of IPv6 prefixes with a valid ROA:                       787
    Number of IPv6 prefixes with an invalid ROA:                     40
    Number of IPv6 prefixes with no ROA:                            749
Total ASNs present in the IPv6 Routing Table:                       844
    Average AS path length:                                         4.6
    Longest AS path:                                                 17
Total Origin ASNs present in the IPv6 Routing Table:                806
Paths with bogon ASNs present in the IPv6 Routing Table:              0

IPv6 Subnet Table

/16:1       /17:0       /18:0       /19:0       /20:2       /21:0       
/22:0       /23:0       /24:2       /25:0       /26:1       /27:0       
/28:5       /29:47      /30:10      /31:0       /32:353     /33:31      
/34:8       /35:11      /36:46      /37:4       /38:12      /39:2       
/40:100     /41:8       /42:6       /43:2       /44:103     /45:15      
/46:7       /47:12      /48:787     /49:0       /50:0       /51:0       
/52:0       /53:0       /54:0       /55:0       /56:0       /57:0       
/58:0       /59:0       /60:0       /61:0       /62:0       /63:0       

Global IPv6 Per AS prefix count summary

       ASN No of Nets  Description
     55824         97  NKN-CORE-NW NKN Core Network, IN
     45773         69  HECPERN-AS-PK PERN AS Content Servie Provider, Islamabad, Pa
      4758         62  NICNET-VSNL-BOARDER-AP National Informatics Centre, IN
     61468         33  CEDIA, EC
      1916         17  Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa, BR
     46047         16  POLSRI-AS-ID Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, ID
    262156         16  Universidad Nacional de Rosario, AR
      2018         13  TENET-1, ZA
      3477         12  NOAA-NWAVE, US
    327687         12  RENU, UG
       559         11  SWITCH Peering requests: peering at switch.ch, CH
       680         11  DFN Verein zur Foerderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes e
     47065         10  PEERING-RESEARCH-TESTBED-USC-UFMG-AS47065, US
       271          9  BCNET-AS, CA
       786          9  JANET Jisc Services Limited, GB
      5744          9  USPTO, US
      6262          9  CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial, AU
      7575          9  AARNET-AS-AP Australian Academic and Research Network AARNet
    134715          9  DRUKREN-MOIC-AS Ministry of Information & Communications Thi
         3          8  MIT-GATEWAYS, US

End of report

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