[REN-BGP-stats-all] IPv6 R&E Routing Table Report - AIT (R&E) view

REN Routing Table Report cscora at bgp.nsrc.org
Mon Sep 16 20:26:17 UTC 2024

IPv6 R&E Routing Table Report   20:25 GMT Mon 16 Sep, 2024

  IPv6 BGP Table (R&E) as seen at AIT.

Report Website:     https://bgp.nsrc.org/REN
Detailed Analysis:  https://bgp.nsrc.org/REN/AIT/

Analysis Summary

BGP routing table entries examined:                                 715
    Number of IPv6 prefixes with a valid ROA:                       546
    Number of IPv6 prefixes with an invalid ROA:                    137
    Number of IPv6 prefixes with no ROA:                             32
Total ASNs present in the IPv6 Routing Table:                        61
    Average AS path length:                                         3.0
    Longest AS path:                                                  3
Total Origin ASNs present in the IPv6 Routing Table:                 60
Paths with bogon ASNs present in the IPv6 Routing Table:              4

IPv6 Subnet Table

/16:0       /17:0       /18:0       /19:0       /20:0       /21:0       
/22:0       /23:0       /24:0       /25:0       /26:0       /27:0       
/28:0       /29:0       /30:0       /31:1       /32:20      /33:0       
/34:0       /35:0       /36:26      /37:0       /38:18      /39:0       
/40:27      /41:0       /42:0       /43:10      /44:34      /45:0       
/46:84      /47:26      /48:458     /49:0       /50:0       /51:0       
/52:0       /53:0       /54:0       /55:0       /56:0       /57:0       
/58:0       /59:0       /60:0       /61:0       /62:0       /63:0       

Global IPv6 Per AS prefix count summary

       ASN No of Nets  Description
     16509        307  AMAZON-02, US
      9931        169  CAT-AP The Communication Authoity of Thailand, CAT, TH
     19551         75  INCAPSULA, US
     45458         22  SBN-AWN-AS-02-AP SBN-ISPAWN-ISP and SBN-NIXAWN-NIX, TH
     10226         16  ETL-IX-AS-AP ETL Company Limited, LA
      9411         10  NONTRINET-AS-AP Kasetsart University, Thailand, TH
      4621          8  UNINET-AS-AP UNINET-, TH
      9335          7  CAT-CLOUD-AP CAT Telecom Public Company Limited, TH
     23969          7  TOT-NET TOT Public Company Limited, TH
      7470          6  TRUEINTERNET-AS-AP TRUE INTERNET Co.,Ltd., TH
     23884          6  PROENNET-AS Proen Corp Public Company Limited., TH
     59318          6  SINET-KH SINET Fiber One, Cambodias Fastest Broadband Ser
     17887          4  TCCT-AS-TH-AP T.C.C. Technology Co., Ltd., TH
     37932          4  RMUTI-AS-AP Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, TH
     46489          4  TWITCH, US
    131293          4  TOT-LLI-AS-AP TOT Public Company Limited, TH
    132203          4  TENCENT-NET-AP-CN Tencent Building, Kejizhongyi Avenue, C
      4762          3  MAHIDOL-BORDER-AS Mahidol University, Thailand, TH
     21859          3  ZEN-ECN, US
     55554          3  INTER-IIT-TIG-AS-AP True International Gateway Co., Ltd.,

End of report

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